International Journal of Arts and Humanities
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Ridwan, H. Mursalim Umar Gani, H. Achmad Gani, H. Sunusi Hamid

Volume:2 Issue: 5

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Ridwan1), H. Mursalim Umar Gani2), H. Achmad Gani3), H. Sunusi Hamid4)
1)PhD Candidate (Muslim University of Indonesia) Makassar, Indonesia
2, 3, 4)Lecturer in Management Science, Muslim University of Indonesia, Indonesia

Ridwan, et al. "HRM PRACTICES AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE: A STUDY OF THE CEMENT INDUSTRY IN INDONESIA." Int. J. Arts&Humanities, vol. 2, no. 5, May 2018, pp. 388-409, Accessed 2018.
Ridwan, Gani, H., Gani, H., & Hamid, H. (2018, May). HRM PRACTICES AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE: A STUDY OF THE CEMENT INDUSTRY IN INDONESIA. Int. J. Arts&Humanities, 2(5), 388-409. Retrieved from
Ridwan, H. Mursalim Umar Gani, H. Achmad Gani, and H. Sunusi Hamid. "HRM PRACTICES AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE: A STUDY OF THE CEMENT INDUSTRY IN INDONESIA." Int. J. Arts&Humanities 2, no. 5 (May 2018), 388-409. Accessed , 2018.

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HRM Practice, job satisfaction, employee performance

This research aims to examine and analyze the effect of human resource management practices (i.e. leadership styles, employee commitment, work motivation, and work climate) on employee job satisfaction and employee performance. This study used primary data obtained through a survey to 221 employees as a sample. The result of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) analysis shows that empirically the leadership style, employee commitment, work motivation, and work climate have positive and significant impact on job satisfaction. Leadership style, employee commitment, work motivation, and work climate, either directly or indirectly have a positive and significant effect on employee performance through job satisfaction as variable intervening. Job satisfaction has a direct positive and significant effect on employee performance. The direct effect of leadership styles, employee commitment, motivation and work climate on employee performance is positive, which means that when the exogenous variables improved the job satisfaction and employee performance will increase. The indirect effect of exogenous variable on employee performance through job satisfaction is positive. The total effect which is the sum of the direct and indirect effects through job satisfaction obtained positive value, which means there is effect of direct effect and indirect effect of exogenous variable on employee performance through job satisfaction.

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