International Journal of Arts and Humanities
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Christine Bentley, PhD

Volume:3 Issue: 1

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Christine Bentley, PhD
Missouri Southern State University

Bentley, Christine. "HANS THOMA'S LANDSCAPES & THE CONSTRUCTION OF GERMAN IDENTITY WITHIN THE MODERN NATION STATE." Int. J. Arts&Humanities, vol. 3, no. 1, Jan. 2019, pp. 92-96, Accessed Jan. 2019.
Bentley, C. (2019, January). HANS THOMA'S LANDSCAPES & THE CONSTRUCTION OF GERMAN IDENTITY WITHIN THE MODERN NATION STATE. Int. J. Arts&Humanities, 3(1), 92-96. Retrieved from
Bentley, Christine. "HANS THOMA'S LANDSCAPES & THE CONSTRUCTION OF GERMAN IDENTITY WITHIN THE MODERN NATION STATE." Int. J. Arts&Humanities 3, no. 1 (January 2019), 92-96. Accessed January, 2019.

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Nationalism, Landscapes, Regional Identity

In this paper I will examine Hans Thoma's role as an intercessor in creating regional and national identities within his landscape paintings during the later part of the nineteenth century.
I will question how his work affirms and contests the German republic's cultural milieu of "Germanness" and modernity within art. I will also attempt to identify the meaning of the figures within Thoma's landscapes. Questioning whether they represent a desired (ideal) German identity, symbolic and allegorical like Thoma's predecessors, or grounded in emerging realist traditions. Much of this inquiry will focus on whether Thoma was attempting to present German identity through an objectively real portrayal of German life or feed into growing national sentiments of a collective German persona?

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