International Journal of Arts and Humanities
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Muammar Khadapi, H. Basri Modding, Hj. Jeni Kamase, H. Anas Plyriadi

Volume:3 Issue: 3

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1Muammar Khadapi, 2H. Basri Modding, 3Hj. Jeni Kamase, 4H. Anas Plyriadi
1. Doctoral Student, University of Muslim, Indonesia.
2,3,4. Faculty of Economics, University of Muslim, Indonesia.

Khadapi, Muammar, et al. "THE EFFECT OF MARKET ORIENTATION AND SERVICE QUALITY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND LOYALITY SHARIA BANKING IN MAKASSAR." Int. J. Arts&Humanities, vol. 3, no. 3, Mar. 2019, pp. 124-133, Accessed Mar. 2019.
Khadapi, M., Modding, H., Kamase, H., & Plyriadi, H. (2019, March). THE EFFECT OF MARKET ORIENTATION AND SERVICE QUALITY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND LOYALITY SHARIA BANKING IN MAKASSAR. Int. J. Arts&Humanities, 3(3), 124-133. Retrieved from
Khadapi, Muammar, H. Basri Modding, Hj. Jeni Kamase, and H. Anas Plyriadi. "THE EFFECT OF MARKET ORIENTATION AND SERVICE QUALITY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND LOYALITY SHARIA BANKING IN MAKASSAR." Int. J. Arts&Humanities 3, no. 3 (March 2019), 124-133. Accessed March, 2019.

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Market orientation, service quality, satisfaction and loyalty customer

This study aims to analyze: 1) To analyze the effect of market orientation on customer satisfaction in Islamic banking in Makassar. 2) To analyze the effect of service quality on Customer satisfaction on Islamic banking in Makassar. 3) To analyze the effect of market orientation on customer loyalty in Islamic banking in Makassar. 4) To analyze the effect of service quality on customer loyalty in Islamic banking in Makassar. 5) To analyze the effect of Customer satisfaction on customer loyalty to Islamic banking in Makassar. 6) To analyze the effect of market orientation on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction in Islamic banking in Makassar. 7) To analyze the quality of service to customer loyalty through customer satisfaction in Islamic banking in Makassar.
The research population of all sharia commercial bank customers in Maksssar is 3,066. study sample of 170 people. The analysis technique used is Structural Equity Modeling (SEM) with the help of the Moment of Structure Analysis (AMOS) program.
Research results 1) Market orientation has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. 2) Service Quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. 3) Market orientation has a positive and not significant effect on customer loyalty. 4) Service Quality has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty. 5) Customer satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty. 6) Market orientation has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction. 7) Quality of service influences loyalty through customer satisfaction.

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