Authors: Anna Susilowati
Volume:4 Issue: 4
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Anna Susilowati
Indonesian Institute of the Arts Surakarta, Indonesia.
MLA 8 Susilowati, Anna. "CREATION PROCESS OF PAINTING POOR WOMEN USING PHOTO REALISM TECHNIQUE." Int. J. Arts&Humanities, vol. 4, no. 4, Apr. 2020, pp. 128-139, journal-ijah.org/more2019.php?id=10. Accessed Apr. 2020.
APA Susilowati, A. (2020, April). CREATION PROCESS OF PAINTING POOR WOMEN USING PHOTO REALISM TECHNIQUE. Int. J. Arts&Humanities, 4(4), 128-139. Retrieved from journal-ijah.org/more2019.php?id=10
Chicago Susilowati, Anna. "CREATION PROCESS OF PAINTING POOR WOMEN USING PHOTO REALISM TECHNIQUE." Int. J. Arts&Humanities 4, no. 4 (April 2020), 128-139. Accessed April, 2020. journal-ijah.org/more2019.php?id=10.
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[10]. Mikke Susanto, Diksi Rupa Kumpulan Istilah dan Gerakan Seni Rupa (The Art Diction
Collection of Terms and Movement of Fine Arts), DictiArt Lab, 2011, p. 433.
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Keywords: Photo, Poor, Poverty, Realism, Women
Abstract: Not many painters create paintings in poverty-theme since they are considered unattractive and
unfavourable by collectors. In contrast, this study conducted a research on poor people in Tebet
Subdistrict to be painting objects. Tebet Subdistrict is a beautiful green and clean inhabited
mostly by middle and upper class community. However, on the sidelines of the subdistrict were
found poor people who work in the informal stor, such as rag pickers, buskers, unofficial parking
attendants, housemaids, newspaper sellers and beggars. This study focused on portrayals in
which female as the subject due to the fact that taking photographs and interviewing women
were much more difficult. Women own a higher insecurity level to strangers than that of male
informal workers. In creating a painting about poor women, the writer used photo realism style.
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