International Journal of Arts and Humanities
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Jijo James Indiparambil

Volume:4 Issue: 4

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Jijo James Indiparambil
Sanjo College of Management and Advanced Studies (SCMAS) Rajakkad, Kerala, India

Indiparambil, Jijo James. "INDIAN (CONTEXTUAL) READING OF THE BIBLE: AN ALTERNATIVE EXEGETICAL MODEL FOR INDIA." Int. J. Arts&Humanities, vol. 4, no. 4, Apr. 2020, pp. 115-127, Accessed Apr. 2020.
Indiparambil, J. (2020, April). INDIAN (CONTEXTUAL) READING OF THE BIBLE: AN ALTERNATIVE EXEGETICAL MODEL FOR INDIA. Int. J. Arts&Humanities, 4(4), 115-127. Retrieved from
Indiparambil, Jijo James. "INDIAN (CONTEXTUAL) READING OF THE BIBLE: AN ALTERNATIVE EXEGETICAL MODEL FOR INDIA." Int. J. Arts&Humanities 4, no. 4 (April 2020), 115-127. Accessed April, 2020.


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Biblical exegesis, experiential reading, reader meaning, anicomic monotheism, dynamic monotheism, pluri-religious, cosmocentric.

The recent trends in interpretation of the Bible in the West as well as in the East prioritize the Contextual Bible Reading, based on asking questions about one context (contextual questions) and the biblical text (textual questions) with the help of systematic and structured Biblical scholarship. This will link the past with the present (reading behind, on, and in front of the text). The deep-rooted religious traditions (pluri-religious & cosmocentric) and the socio-economic anomalies (poverty) and issues in India mark a distinct cultural and contextual situation to read the Bible differently. This paper looks for more contextual and experiential reading and understanding of the Sacred Texts which is very much pierced in people's everyday life situations in India. Much of what is discussed in this article will make more sense when persons actually participate in or facilitate a contextual Bible reading focusing on the reality of the local community.

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