International Journal of Arts and Humanities
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Mulualem Eshete Mekie

Volume:5 Issue: 8

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Mulualem Eshete Mekie
Department of English Language and Literature, Arba Minch University, Arba Minch, Ethiopia

Mekie, Mulualem Eshete. "A STUDY ON HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING ANXIETY AND ENGLISH LANGUAGE ACHIEVEMENT." Int. J. Arts & Humanities, vol. 5, no. 8, Nov.-Dec. 2021, pp. 177-199, Accessed Nov.-Dec. 2021.
Mekie, M. (2021, November/December). A STUDY ON HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING ANXIETY AND ENGLISH LANGUAGE ACHIEVEMENT. Int. J. Arts & Humanities, 5(8), 177-199. Retrieved from
Mekie, Mulualem Eshete. "A STUDY ON HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING ANXIETY AND ENGLISH LANGUAGE ACHIEVEMENT." Int. J. Arts & Humanities 5, no. 8 (November/December 2021), 177-199. Accessed November/December, 2021.


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English Language Learning, English Language Learning Anxiety, Achievement, FLCAS

This paper intended to investigate the relationship between English language learning classroom anxiety and students' English language achievement. For this purpose 210 grade 12 students were randomly selected from Jimma Preparatory School. A self reporting questionnaire i.e. Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale was administered to measure the level of foreign language classroom anxiety of the students. And students' first semester English midterm exam result was used to determine the relationship between English language classroom anxiety and English language achievement. Furthermore, descriptive statistics was used to determine students' anxiety level and inferential statistics to identify the significance difference between male and female students’ anxiety and achievement and to determine relationship between anxiety and achievement. The result indicated that most of the students were found to be anxious, and no significance difference was observed between males and females on their foreign language classroom anxiety level. Further the study confirmed that there was no significant negative relationship between students' English language classroom anxiety and English language achievement at the significance level of 0.01, and also the finding depicted that there was achievement variation among the subjects with respect to their anxiety level. Finally, it was found that males' achievement result was a little bit higher than females, and no significant difference was found on achievement between them. In short, the findings depicted that anxiety is prevalent among the subjects and had negative correlations with their English language achievement. The recommendations of this study are not exhaustive and every language teacher can offer different ways of reducing language anxiety based upon his/her personal observation of the phenomenon. This study offered a number of strategies to cope with the potentially pervasive and detrimental effect of language learning anxiety. It is posited that an apt utilization of these strategies by language teachers can help to reduce foreign language anxiety and can potentially increase students' confidence to learn the target language.

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