International Journal of Arts and Humanities
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Faith-Based Films as Moral Antidote to Social Media: Leveraging Cinema for Moral Education and Spiritual Transformation

Ovunda Ihunwo, PhD

Volume:7 Issue: 1

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Ovunda Ihunwo, PhD
Department of Theatre and Film Studies, University of Port Harcourt

Ihunwo, Ovunda. "Faith-Based Films as Moral Antidote to Social Media: Leveraging Cinema for Moral Education and Spiritual Transformation." Int. J. Arts & Humanities, vol. 7, no. 1, Jan.-Feb. 2025, pp. 1-17, Accessed Jan.-Feb. 2025.
Ihunwo, O. (2025, January/February). Faith-Based Films as Moral Antidote to Social Media: Leveraging Cinema for Moral Education and Spiritual Transformation. Int. J. Arts & Humanities, 7(1), 1-17. Retrieved from
Ihunwo, Ovunda. "Faith-Based Films as Moral Antidote to Social Media: Leveraging Cinema for Moral Education and Spiritual Transformation." Int. J. Arts & Humanities 7, no. 1 (January/February 2025), 1-17. Accessed January/February, 2025.


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In an era where social media platforms are saturated with content that promotes vices and unethical behaviour, particularly among youth, the role of film in evangelism and character formation has become increasingly crucial. This paper examines film's potential as a powerful medium for moral education and spiritual transformation. Drawing on theories of media effects and social learning, the article explores how intentionally produced faith-based films can counter the harmful influences of social media by shaping positive values, instilling virtuous character traits, and providing uplifting narratives that inspire viewers. The analysis considers historical examples of how the cinematic medium has been leveraged for evangelistic purposes, as well as contemporary case studies of filmmakers and ministries harnessing the vibrant and didactic capabilities of film to promote Christian principles. The paper also investigates the unique challenges and opportunities the evolving digital landscape presents, where faith-based films must compete with a vast array of sensationalized online content. Ultimately, this study argues that strategic use of the film medium, combined with an understanding of youth media consumption patterns, can equip the Church to more effectively counter the moral erosion facilitated by social media and instead foster wholesome character development among the next generation. The findings have important implications for religious leaders, media ministries, and Christian filmmakers seeking to leverage the power of cinema for evangelism and moral formation.

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