Title: On Ethnical Composition of Koban Archeological Culture
Authors: Thedo (Tevdore) Isakadze
, Nikoloz Tushabramishvili
and Prof. Dr. Paata Bukhrashvili Ilia
Volume:7 Issue: 1
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Thedo (Tevdore) Isakadze1
, Nikoloz Tushabramishvili2
and Prof. Dr. Paata Bukhrashvili Ilia3 1. Researcher at the Institute of Archaeology, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Chavchavadze
Avenue 1, Tbilisi, Georgia
1. PhD candidate at the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Engineering Economics, Media
Technologies, and Social Sciences, Georgian Technical University. 77 Kostava Street, Tbilisi, Georgia 2. Professor, Department of Arts and Sciences, Ilia State University (Tbilisi, Georgia),
2. Director of the Centre for Paleoenvironment Reconstruction and Archaeological Researches at Ilia State
University, 3/5 Cholokashvili str Tbilisi 0162 Georgia 3. State University, College of Arts and Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Visual Anthropology and
Local History Cholokashvili Ave 3/5, Room E -231, Tbilisi 0162, Georgia
MLA 8 Isakadze, Thedo (Tevdore), et al. "On Ethnical Composition of Koban Archeological Culture." Int. J. Arts & Humanities, vol. 7, no. 1, Jan.-Feb. 2025, pp. 18-43, doi.org/10.46609/IJAH.2025.v07i01.002. Accessed Jan.-Feb. 2025.
APA 6 Isakadze, T., Tushabramishvili, N., & Ilia, P. (2025, January/February). On Ethnical Composition of Koban Archeological Culture. Int. J. Arts & Humanities, 7(1), 18-43. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.46609/IJAH.2025.v07i01.002
Chicago Isakadze, Thedo (Tevdore), Nikoloz Tushabramishvili, and Prof. Dr. Paata Bukhrashvili Ilia. "On Ethnical Composition of Koban Archeological Culture." Int. J. Arts & Humanities 7, no. 1 (January/February 2025), 18-43. Accessed January/February, 2025. https://doi.org/10.46609/IJAH.2025.v07i01.002.
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Abstract: Koban culture, spread in both, North and South Caucasus, is the culture of late Bronze and early
Iron Age.
At different times, the scientists offered several versions of ethnical composition of this culture,
debates dealt also with the relationships between Koban and Colchis cultures. The views of the
scientists were mostly based on the tangible materials and metallurgic technology that, in many
cases, create wide range of suppositions and hypotheses.
In this article we relied on the results of sequencing of the genome from the osteo-materials
discovered in Koban culture area, performed by Russian scientists at Vavilov Institute of Genetic
According to general view, genetic data provide more information about ethnical composition of
one or another archeological culture, especially if regarded against the background of genetic
picture of contemporary population residing in the specific region.
Within the scopes of Koban culture, haplogroup G2a1a-P18 first appeared in North Caucasus
and now it is dominating in Ossetian population, as well as central foothills of South Caucasus. We suppose that together with the other Caucasian ethnicities, population speaking in
Kartvelian languages, particularly Svans (Sanigs in antique tradition), residing in extreme north
of Colchis culture area, have significantly contributed to formation of Koban culture.
When the tribes speaking in Iranian languages came to North Caucasus, the genetic picture in
the region has not changes while cultural diffusion took place and, as a result, Alanian was
accepted as the one with elite language status. This is confirmed by the linguistic data,
according to which, in Svanetian language, there is represented whole set of Alanisms, just like
borrowed Svanetian words in Ossetian language
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